Saturday, December 1, 2012

Self Portraits

Artists throughout the centuries have had an odd preoccupation with self portraiture. You can find a so called self portrait from almost every artist out there who is even remotely inclined to making figurative or symbolic works. Perhaps it's because our own faces and bodies are a.) easily accesible and cheaper than a model, b.) incredibly familiar and personal... the visual representation of our identity, and c.) always there throughout the years with some but relatively little change. 
... But maybe it's because we're all just ego-driven and like looking at our own reflections for hours at a time!

In either case, a couple weeks ago, I was suddenly inspired to take a break from the abstraction I've been working with to revisit my face in a new self portrait. I'm not convinced it's complete yet but it's getting there.

Malia Reeves: Self Portrait - 2012 - Oil on Canvas

Here's my self portrait from a year ago for comparison... interesting to see the changes, huh?!