Monday, September 9, 2013

Event Photography

Today I started editing shots from my first real wedding shoot. JP and Lisa are friends of mine and it was a fantastic opportunity to see if I was any good at event photography such as this!

A few thoughts;
- It's really difficult! I was sweating like a pig (did you know pigs don't actually sweat... why do we say that?) in the sun and running around like a madwoman to get all the shots I wanted!
- Editing will take soSO much longer than the actual taking of the photos! Here we go...!
- I need to buy a mid range zoom lens with a nice wide aperture. I made it work but I wished I'd had it. Now I just need to cough up $1000 somehow.
- It would be so much easier to work with a partner in such events... I couldn't get a shot of the bride coming down the aisle from the front and back!
- Overall, it was actually quite enjoyable. :) ... Anyone looking for a cheap wedding photographer?